Over 28 years ago, a young, ambitious and determined son convinced his father to start a courier company. His father was a bit skeptic to allow his son to start a business at such a young age so he gave him goals he had to reach in order for the company to continue on.
Well, not only did the son meet his father’s goals, he blew right past them. Thanks to his determination, skill and dedication to providing the highest level of service possible, the courier company not only met its goals, but grew at a rapid rate and quickly became known for it’s amazing customer service and “Speeedy” delivery times.
And here we are 28 years later, November 13, 2014. Speeedy Courier Service has grown tremendously since 1986 including having offices in Atlanta, GA and Orlando/Tampa, FL. Speeedy has successfully adapted to the changing market place and is often ahead of the curve with innovation and technology as it pertains to the courier/delivery/Final Mile services industry and in general. But some things remain the same as they were when the company was founded 28 years ago…
- Dedication to the highest level of customer service possible
- Meeting and exceeding clients’ needs and expectations
- Professionalism from the very top all the way down to our uniformed drivers with photo ID badges
It’s been a heck of a ride these last 28 years with things such as the Tech Bubble bursting and the real estate market and US economy taking a nose dive. Nevertheless, Speeedy has always managed to weather the storm and continues to grow. Now it’s on to the next next 28 years…one package at a time.
Thank you to all of our clients, office staff and drivers, some of whom have been with us since the very beginning. It is you who have helped Speeedy Courier Service be successful and well respected by clients and our competitors. Cheers to you!